Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March Blog

Hey, in a bad mood so this one is gonna be a short one.

Basically I've been doing mentor-ship every Monday at my mentor's office and I get to see all of his regular prosthetic patients. This is also the day where he does the most work on any prosthetics he has so I get to watch him do that as well.

Here's a bunch of pictures and stuff

Wrapping prosthetic in plastic to keep it clean

making the plaster

plaster consistency

pouring plaster into socket

using an air pump to pop the mold out

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Blog 18: 4th Interview Questions

Content: Post 20 open-ended questions you want to ask an expert in the field concerning your senior project. The focus of your questions should be on your answer to your EQ.

I plan on interviewing one of my mentor's patients because in reality they are an expert in their own way.

  1. If it's not too personal a question, how did you lose (leg/arm)?
    1. well we dont know exactly why, but the lcosest they can come is that ist was a blood clot from being dehydrated and thats probably what happened,foot wa cold for 5 days and was given muscle relaxer but knew something was wrong. went to emergency care and got 6 operations and took the foot 2 days before christmas, in hospital for 7 weeks.
  2. How has it changed your life?
    1. not as much walking, not as active as before, very hard to do anything with water or the ebach, had to get used to a shower chair and a whelchair, its changed it profoundly in taking away my modibilty, ive always been active and now im not. i get very frustrated, and its difficult to descrine, its hard to explain the ffeekings your are put in. its changed my mobility and i get very tired quick;y. hospital and drugs took a lot of memories and i dont remember most of the hospital. husband and bf was there every day so i had really good support. after i went homethey sent tons of people to the house to help you clean and move and someone to chnange your dressings and they wouldnt leave me alone and let me decompress. and it wasnt till i got home and got my energy back tuill i could feel normal. its shocking to see my limb and it surprises me still, 2 years later.makes you feel less desirable as a woman. there is something missing, its harder for woman because looks are more important to us. you never see women walking with shorts and prosthesis. it affects my wadrobe cause all i can wear is my black pants. makes mefeel less feminin.
  3. How was your outlook on life coming out of the surgery?
    1. i had so many people teling me i was strong and brave and its bull because you do what you have to do. i didnt feel any different from before, you just do what you have to do. i had no choice. you have to move on.ive always said ive had a blessed life witha  fabulous childhood and great husbands and a wonderful child. never any tradgedies like people go through. I had such a beautfil life, how can i bitch? how can i complain about an experation on my leg earlier than my body.
  4. How or why did prosthetics change that outlook if it did at all?
  5. Did study the topic of prosthetics before the surgery?
    1. no i did not. no idea what was happening. didnt get the chance, i was in such pain and under so much meds that i couldnt control words sometimes. never did research.
  6. If so did that help your outlook on the eventual life changing event?
  7. Do you know what kind of suspension system that you personally use?
    1. suction
  8. How does it work for you?
    1. i havnt had any real problems with it. I just went to see my nvascular surgeon and he was concerned about my blood pressure but it was fine. I have lost some blood flow in my other leg. about 80% but other than that ive had no issues
  9. If you knew more on different types of suspension do you think you would've gone with another?
    1. i put my trust in someone who knows more about it thatn i do so im not going to direct someone to what i want when i dont know what im talking about and if it turns out bad we will work it out. No problems with the one i have.
  10. How does your family or friends help to provide emotional support for you?
    1. everyone have been fabulous, really really good. very supportive. anything i need i can ask any of them. bf there the entire time. every. single. day for a full year. husband at the hospital every day sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. sometimes slept in a chair next to me. everyone was amazing.
  11. What kind of information do you wish you had going into this process?
    1. i cant think of anything i wihs i wouldve known/anticipated. i trust people who know more about it than i do. Im sure that there probably 9000 types of prosthetics but this one works well so im sticking with it. i dont need a bionic leg or anything, as long as im comfortable im happy.
  12. How do you wish to improve your current level of function? (ie. gait, pistoning)
    1. the only thing that i would like to improve on is putting a fake ankle on, just above the foot to cover the pylon so i can wear capris. i dont want shorts but i wouldnt have to be careful about pulling my pant leg down all the time. something from the foot to the socket. Its liek a bracelt
  13. How does your range of activities compare to what you were able to do before?
  14. How do you feel that living with a prosthesis affects others around you?
    1. not at all, they dont even notice.It makes a difference in my wardrobe but otherwise thats all that could possibly effect them
  15. In your line of work is being an amputee detrimental to your work output?
    1.  i dont work, im retired
  16. How has being an amputee made you stronger as a person?
    1. no, not really. it hasnt really had that much of an effect on me in that way.things happen. it culd be me or anyone else.
  17. Have you been to a support group? 
    1. no, no need. havnt even heard of any. It would be for people who cant accept it or effects their personality and i dont feel any of this.
  18. If so how affective was it?
  19. If you could go back and change anything leading up to the amputation what would it be and why?
    1. probably i shouldve taken more advice and drank more water, stayed hydrated. I have never been a water drinker so heres the reprecussions. As far as the hospital i wish they had done it sooner and gotten me out tof there. not make me wait through 6 amputations.
  20. If you have any advice for a soon-to-be amputee, what would it be and why?
    1. make everyone leave you alone till your ready for them. get your own feet under you first and get your balance back. get your personal strength back before you do anything.took me 5 months to get my leg. thats because t didnt heal correctly. like i said, just tell everyone to bug off and leave you alone till you feel ready. they just inindate you with so many people that you feel overwhelmed.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blog 17: Third Answer

  • What is the most effective way to secure a residual limb inside of a fitted prosthetic socket?
  • One of the most effective ways to maintain suspension is by using the vacuum system.
  • 3 points
    • easy to put on
    • comfortable
    • better for athletes
  • Fairley, Miki. "'Hanging Tight': Elevated Vacuum Suspension Systems Step Forward." OandP.com, Mar. 2008. Web. 06 Nov. 2014
  • Its a great way for athletes and very active patients to achieve the suspension and stability they need for their activities.