Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Blog Post

Hello and welcome once again to another fabulous blog post.

I wasn't able to do any mentor ship this month unfortunately (due to college applications among other things) and because of thanksgiving break we didn't do much research this month.

So with that in mind (and since its the time of giving thanks) I really wanted to dedicate this blog post to my mentor for being such a big help in this project during the research stages and just for being a great supportive father. He really knows how to separate his mentor duties and his father duties and I appreciate him very much. (and yes I have told this to him I just wanted to write it in a formal blog post)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blog 10: EQ

1. I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.

Essential Question

Once a topic is chosen, the student will develop a working essential question. The purpose of the working essential question is to help the student build a strong foundation of research which will allow him or her to create an essential question that encourages depth and rigor in the chosen topic. An essential question must:

Provide a framework for studies (It calls for breadth and depth of research, Is not a yes/no question)
Take a stance (It allows you to argue some point, Cannot be a recitation of facts or a list)
Format (It is specific, The wording makes sense)

2. Review the following EQs and
Tell us if each meets the rule of three.
Tell why they do or don't.

a. What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss?
I feel that this questions fits the rule of 3

b. What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?
This questions hits the first 2 points, but the formatting is a bit off. They could've said, "What is the most important aspect in securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?"

c. What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a customer?
I feel that this meets all 3 rules, but it could be phrased better as the first few words can be confused.

d. How can an anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?
This meets all 3 points

3. Based on your review of the rule of 3 and your experience with assessing four EQs, please write another draft EQ for your senior project. The senior team will be meeting with students shortly for EQ revision and approval; you are expected to bring your research notebook to that meeting with your EQ draft written inside in pencil.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blog 9: Lesson Reflection

1. Positive Statement
I was most proud of my lesson 1 because I didn't go over time. Every time I practiced the past few days I would always go over by at least 2 minutes and I was extremely nervous that I wouldn't be on time.

2. Questions to Consider

a. What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 1 Presentation (self-assessment)?

b. Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 1 component contract.
During the course of the presentation I met all the P requirements and kept the classes attention during the presentation. Questions were asked at the end and after class as well. I also feel that I used my prop very effectively and it helped the class to understand what I was talking about. Plus it was a leg, I mean come on thats kinda cool.

3. What worked for you in your Lesson 1?

My prop helped me a lot to actually remember things to say. I would find something on the prop that I hadn't explained and I would think, "oh yea I need to say that."

4. (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 1?

Probably provide more visuals. I have a feeling that most of the class has never seen an amputated leg before and that might distract them from what I'm talking about.

Friday, October 31, 2014

October Blog Post

Welcome to my Halloween blog post. As the procrastinator I am, it actually is a Halloween blog post. Yay.

This month I spent a lot more time in my mentors office meeting patients and actually getting some good experiences. I got to see him manipulate casts and plaster molds of an amputees leg. It was really interesting to get to see all the research I've been doing being put into practice. He was able to clarify many of the terms I've been writing down by actually showing me what they are/where they are. Here are some pictures of what he was working on. These two casts are for different patients and are completely different according to the patients individual limb.

This is a plastic check socket that has plaster poured into it. In order to make any adjustments, you have to work with the plaster because you can't really changed the test socket to fit the patient. You do this process as many times as it takes for the patient to be comfortable.

This is what the positive plaster mold looks like with the plastic check socket removed. From here you can shave down parts that need to be tighter in the socket or add plaster to parts that need to be loosened.

Thanks for reading the updates, I hope to be able to manipulate casts soon or at least be apart of the process.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog 8 - Research and Working EQ

1. What is your working EQ?

What is the most effective way to secure a residual limb inside a fitted socket?

2. What is a possible answer to your working EQ? Please write the answer in thesis format.

A pin system is one of the most effective ways of suspending a limb in a socket as it is more secure.

3. What is the most important source you have used that has helped you come up with an answer to your working EQ?

My mentor. We actually discussed this topic the other day and he said that pins are the most secure form of socket suspension.

4. Who is your mentor, or where are you doing mentorship, and how does what you are doing relate to your working EQ?

My mentor is Ken Smith and I shadow him around his prosthetics office. It really connects all the research I have been doing by showing me a visual.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Blog Post

Welcome to my September blog post.

Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to meet with my mentor besides the 1st interview and I probably won't be able to meet with him till next week.

I still find the topic of prosthetics intriguing and the more research I complete the more intrigued I have become. Looking at all the new information that I've come upon, I have come to the conclusion that I will spending a lot of time with my mentor as the subject becomes more and more complicated. The procedures used to create the prostheses are, at the moment, lengthy and the time it takes to create the final prosthesis changes depending on when more research and new technologies become available.

An example of these new technologies would be the Outlast liner. Originally developed by NASA, Outlast is a special material that whisks away sweat and keeps the wearer cool and comfortable. Such material is great in a prosthesis liner because if there is too much sweat buildup in the socket it can start to create blisters on the residual limb making it uncomfortable for the wearer. Think of it as brand new shoes you wear for an hour and both of your heels end up with blisters. Essentially the same idea just with a larger surface area to be affected.

Here is what an Outlast liner (and most other liners) look like.

Sorry that I am unable to amaze you with fabulous stories about patients I saw or a new catalog book that just arrived. Still fixing up my work/mentor ship schedule and I should have much more to write about in the October blog post.

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
  For my 30 hours I plan on doing extra mentor ship since there really isn't any other places or events I could go to or attend in order to fulfill these hours.
2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
I will continue on with my mentor in my learning about prosthetics and documenting all the hours on my mentor ship Google doc.
3.  Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
As the topic of prosthetics is a complicated subject with many variables involved the more hours I can get with my mentor the better. I will shadow him and present my problems and questions in order to learn more about the subject. I am hoping that he will teach me how to manipulate the positive plaster mold with shaving tools and things of the like.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Blog 6 - Second Interview Preparation

1.  Who is your mentor and where do they work?
  •  My mentor is Ken Smith and he is employed at Ortho Engineering Inc.
2.  What five questions will you ask them about their background?
  • Where did you get your BS?
  • What was the driving force behind you wanting to be an O & P Technician?
  • Was the schooling that was required difficult?
  • Did you ever have a feeling of discouragement from any of your classes?
  • Did anything make you second guess your major?

Sunday, August 31, 2014

August Blog Post

Welcome to my blog.
 Normally that welcome wouldn't be necessary, but seeing as all previous posts were assignments I figured it's time you get to read things written in my voice instead of my answering questions. As you may already know my senior topic is prosthetics and since I didn't do any hours during the month of August I plan on telling you exactly what the goal of a prosthetist is. Essentially a prosthetist's goal is to provide a patient with a well fitted, working prostheses that is comfortable for the amputee. To me, it goes deeper than this as a prosthetist grows a bond with their patients. Even as I have been mentoring I have grown attached to some of the patients that come through as we see them so often. You put effort into their prosthesis because you truly want to help that person along their already difficult journey. You get to know them well as their visits are frequent and lengthy depending on whether your casting or measuring them for a check socket. It motivates you to do a good job.

I'm sure this opinion will change as I continue my mentor ship, but for now this is what I believe the job of a prosthetist entails.

Now I mentioned some words earlier (and in the definitions themselves that I didn't notice till later -.-)that I think need to be defined:

Casting- this is where the prosthetist takes a plaster (or resin) mold of the residual limb which is then filled with plaster to create a positive mold to send off to the check socket boys.

Check socket- this is the initial socket created from that mold I mentioned in the above definition. It is a clear plastic socket that is used to gauge how close we are to a definite socket.

Definite socket- (goodness I'm not making this easier on myself) is the final product that the amputee then wears for a solid 1-2 years or until it wears out, just like a car the mechanical processes of the prosthesis have to be maintained regularly.

This is an example of a check socket

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

1) Who do you plan on interviewing? Why?
  • I plan on interviewing my mentor as I currently do not know many other people in the field just yet. He will be able to give a good amount of information and from there I can further my research.
2a) The current 5 questions I am required to ask are
  • I'm interested in studying prosthetics. What can you tell me about it?
  • From your perspective, what could I study that would be significant?
  • Who else would you recommend I talk to?
  • What kinds of places or activities do you recommend I do for the mentor-ship component?
  • What books should I read in the field?
2b) Any other open ended questions you want to ask?
  • How rewarding is the field economically and emotionally?
  • How many years of schooling does the field require? Were the ____ years compensated by the rewards in the field?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Working EQ

1.  Prosthetics

2.  How can you make a test socket as accurate as possible to ensure comfort?

Working Bibliography

Monday, August 18, 2014

Blog 2: Summer Mentorship

1.  Summer Mentorship Hours

2. My mentor's name is Ken Smith and his contact number is 1(310)-904-9093.

3. Assuming everything goes according to plan, approximately how long would it take to complete a prostheses?
    How can I make an interactive, entertaining activity out of this profession?
    Would I consider doing this for my career?
    How can prosthetics change peoples lives in more than just a physical aspect?
    As a prosthetist, should you become close with patients like a family physician or help the patient and move on?
    Does physical therapy play into the job in any way?
4. I feel that the most important thing I gained from my summer mentorship was an understanding on exactly how many different amputee patients you deal with on a weekly basis. It helped me to understand just how many people's lives you are changing within that week. It also gave me knowledge on how to approach different patients and talk to them about their disability.

5. My senior topic will be on the profession of prosthetics. As I stated in the previous blog post, I believe that it is a very noble profession and after my 25 summer mentorship hours my opinion has not wavered. My opinion has only been backed up by the dozens of prosthetic patients I have had the pleasure of meeting. Giving people their lives back is no small task, but the rewards of forever being the reason that a person can walk freely is completely satisfying and never gets old according to my mentor.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Blog 1: 2 hour presentation

As incoming 2015 Seniors we have been given the privilege to watch the now graduating Seniors give their final presentations. Of course with any privilege comes responsibility and we were given the task of answering just a few questions about the project and on what we plan to do for the project.

  1. What presentations did you see?
    • As of the date 5/23/14 I have seen a total of 8 presentations 
      • Ski Patrol: Jakie Boyd
      • Radio Frequency Field Engineering: Facundo Holzmeiser
      • Goalkeeping: Sarah Solar
      • Neonatal Nursing Intensive Care: Michelle Ortega
      • CalPoly Parking Transit Services: Ana Landeros
      • Software Development: Brian Cabantug
      • Sales Representative: Yesenia Martin
      • HLE Officer: Devanna Terry
  2. What questions do you have about senior project that have not yet been answered?
    • Most of my questions for Senior project have already been answered through the senior interview day, though, after some of the presentations I have a few technical questions.
    • Do I have to make a board with my essential question on it?
    • Do I have to use a Power Point or can I make a Prezi?
    • Do I have to make name tags for the people in my presentation?
  3. Based off theses senior presentations, what is the most important part of the presentation?
    • I would have to say the most important part of senior presentations is the actual presenting itself. I have seen good presentations with bad content and bad presentations with good content. What it came down to in order to keep me interested was the presenter themselves. When the presenter is good its harder to notice if they have good content or not because you are completely invested in the presentation going on.
  4. What topic are you considering and why?
    • I'm considering the topic of Orthotics and Prosthetics for my senior project as I have been raised around this profession since I was a young child. Since my father is a certified Orthotist Prosthetist, I spent many hours in his office watching him work with patients and manipulating the prosthetics to fit the patient correctly. I see the profession as an honorable one because many amputees that come through are veterans and I find it noble to be able to give back to those who gave so much for our freedom.
  5. What are you doing for summer mentor-ship?
    • I plan on doing my summer mentor-ship with my Father because I want to pursue the topic of Orthotics and Prosthetics further.