Sunday, August 31, 2014

August Blog Post

Welcome to my blog.
 Normally that welcome wouldn't be necessary, but seeing as all previous posts were assignments I figured it's time you get to read things written in my voice instead of my answering questions. As you may already know my senior topic is prosthetics and since I didn't do any hours during the month of August I plan on telling you exactly what the goal of a prosthetist is. Essentially a prosthetist's goal is to provide a patient with a well fitted, working prostheses that is comfortable for the amputee. To me, it goes deeper than this as a prosthetist grows a bond with their patients. Even as I have been mentoring I have grown attached to some of the patients that come through as we see them so often. You put effort into their prosthesis because you truly want to help that person along their already difficult journey. You get to know them well as their visits are frequent and lengthy depending on whether your casting or measuring them for a check socket. It motivates you to do a good job.

I'm sure this opinion will change as I continue my mentor ship, but for now this is what I believe the job of a prosthetist entails.

Now I mentioned some words earlier (and in the definitions themselves that I didn't notice till later -.-)that I think need to be defined:

Casting- this is where the prosthetist takes a plaster (or resin) mold of the residual limb which is then filled with plaster to create a positive mold to send off to the check socket boys.

Check socket- this is the initial socket created from that mold I mentioned in the above definition. It is a clear plastic socket that is used to gauge how close we are to a definite socket.

Definite socket- (goodness I'm not making this easier on myself) is the final product that the amputee then wears for a solid 1-2 years or until it wears out, just like a car the mechanical processes of the prosthesis have to be maintained regularly.

This is an example of a check socket

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